Hong Kong SAR
Contact Choco Up for a special offer with BuyHive!

BuyHive enables global buyers to find products and suppliers with enhanced trust, transparency and decision making. Their team can help businesses source a wide range of products, to ensure needs are being met.

Our partnership

BuyHive will offer Choco Up and clients one of the best sourcing services in the Asia Pacific for a variety of supplies or items. Early 2021, Choco Up and BuyHive teamed up to provide professional protection equipment (PPE) to aid the fight against CoVid-19 in India.

Use cases

Connect buyers with sourcing experts

Gives partners and clients access to sourcing experts who can make wholesale purchases with lower costs.

Agility as a startup

BuyHive and all related sourcing experts can give partners and clients the agility necessary to ensure their business can continue growing at a rapid pace.

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